Most Popular Rock Painting Words & Phrases

Theย Most Popular Rock Painting Words and Phrases will inspire you to paint even more rocks – which may or may not be a good thing.

Rock Painting Words and Phrases

Most Popular Rock Painting Words & Phrases
Most Popular Rock Painting Words and Phrases

If you’re looking for more information on rock painting, How to Get Started Rock Painting and The Art of Stone Painting Book Review will help you on your journey.

If you’re reading this, chances are your one of those people. You know, a rock painting person. Not just any rock painter – an obsessed rock painter. You’ve come to the right place.

“Painting completed my life.” – Frida Kahlo

Rock Painting Facebook Group

Make sure you join our Facebook group Rock Painting Ideas and Resources. It has over 39,000 rock painting enthusiasts just like you sharing ideas on what to paint and the best ideas out there.  It offers daily inspiration, tips and techniques.  Plus, you wouldn’t want to miss out on all the fun!  You can join this group here.

Related Post: Where to Buy Rocks to Paint 

There are many ways to paint kindness rocks words on rocks.  You can use calligraphy, stencils or free-hand.  

Make sure you pin this post so you can refer back to it again and again.

Check out my Pinterest rock painting boards here and follow me for even more inspiration.

I’ve separated the inspirational words for rocks into separate number of word combinations.  Whether you want your rocks with sayings on them to be one word or eight, we’ve got you covered.  

Here’s the List of Kindness Words:  

Rock Painting Words - Hand Painted Rock with the Word Peace
Rock Painting Words – Hand Painted Rock

One Word Kindness Rock Sayings 

Abundant/ Adventure / Alive / Aloha / Amazing / Amore / Aspire / Authentic / Awaken / Awe / Awesome/ Balance / Beautiful / Become / BeYOUtiful / Beauty / Believe / Blessed / Blessings / Bliss / Blissful /  Bloom / Bold / Boldly / Brave / Breathe / Brilliance / Calm / Charity / Cherish / Compassion / Complete / Confidence / Content / Courage / Create /  Creative / Creativity / Cute / Cutie / Dance / Dare / Dazzle / Decide / Destiny / Discover / Discovery / Dream / Eat / Enjoy / Earth / Embrace / Enchanting / Enchantment / Encourage / Energy / Enlighten / Escape / Excellence / Exhale / Exquisite / Fabulous / Faith / Family / Fantastic / Fearless / Fierce / Finish / Flag / Fly / Focus / Focus / Forever / Forgive / Forgiven / Freedom / Friends / Friendship / Giggle / Give / Glitter / Glory / Goals / God / Grace / Graceful / Grateful / Gratitude / Groovy / Grow / Happiness / Happy / Harmony / Heal / Hello / Home / Honest / Honesty / Honor / Hope / Hugs / Humble / Humor / If / Imagine / Imagination / Inspire / Integrity / Joy /  Justice / Karma / Kind / Kindness / Laugh / Laughter / Learn / Liberty / Life / Listen / Live / LOL / Lovable / Love / Loyal / Loyalty / Luck / Lucky / Magic / Marvelous / Mercy / Mindful / Miracles / Music / Mystic / Mystical / Namaste / New / Nourish / Optimistic / Outrageous / Passion / Patience / Patriot / Patriotism / Peace / Persist / Possibility / Possibilities / Potential / Powerful / Possibility / Potential / Powerful / Praise / Pray / Precious / Promise / Prosper / Protect / Radiant / Rare / Reach / Real / Relax / Reflect / Remarkable / Remember / Resilience / Respect / Roar / Rockin’ / Sacrifice / Seek / Serenity / Shine / Simplify / Simplicity / Sing / Smile / Smi)e / Soar / Spark / Sparkle / Special / Spirit /  Strength / Strong / Success / Sunshine / Super / Support / Sweet / Teach / Thankful / Thanks / Thrive / Tolerance / Tranquility / Transform / Transition / Treasure / Trust / Truth / Try /  Understanding / Unique / United / Unity / Unstoppable / USA / Vibrant / Victory / Wander / Warrior / Wisdom / Wise / Wish / Wonder / Wonderful / Worthy / WOW / Yay / Yes / Zeal / Zest

Rock Painting Words - Four Hand Painted Rocks
Rock Painting Words – Four Hand-Painted Rocks

Two Rock Painting Words 

Aim High / Always Believe / Amazing Grace / Be Amazed / Be Authentic / Be Bold / Be Brave / Be Bright / Be Different / Be Fearless / Be Fierce / Be Good / Be Grateful / Be Happy / Be Honest /  Be Humble / Be Kind / Be Love / Be Mighty / Be Mindful / Be Mighty / Be Present / Be Original / Be Paw-sitive / Be Positive / Be Present / Be Silly / Be Still / Be Sweet / Be Thankful / Be True / Be Understanding /  Be Unique / Be You / Boldly Go / Build Up / Carpe Diem / Celebrate Life / Celebrate You / Choose Grace / Choose Happy / Choose Happiness / Choose Joy / Choose Love / Climb Mountains / Collect Moments / Cultivate Kindness / Dig Deep / Do Good /  Don’t Quit / Dream Big / Dream Bigger / Enjoy Life / Expect Miracles / Fairy-tale Ending / Fear Not / Find Meaning / Forgive Quickly / Forgive Yourself / Free Spirit / Game On / Give Love / Go Beyond / Go Big / Good Vibes / Goodnight Moon / Happy Autumn / Happy Camper / Happy Easter / Happy Fall / Happy Halloween / Happy Hanukkah / Happy Spring / Happy Summer / Happy Thanksgiving / Happy Thoughts / Happy Winter / Hang Loose / Harvest Moon / Hate Destroys / Have Courage / Have Faith / Have Fun / Have Hope / Heaven Sent /  Heavy Rock / Hello Beautiful / Hello Gorgeous / Hello Handsome / Hello There / Help Others / Hold On / Hold Tight / Honey Bee / Hugs / I Believe / Inhale Life / Inhale Love / Inhale Peace / Inner Peace / Just Be / Just Because / Just Breathe / Just Dance / Just Pray / Just Start / Keep Calm / Keep Going / Keep Rockin’ / Keep Trying / Keep Faith / Keep Flying / Kindness Matters / Kindness Rocks / Laugh Often / Let Loose / Live Life / Love You / Love Yourself / Love More / Love Rocks / Make Waves / Merry Christmas / Never Regret / No Regrets / No Worries / Olive You / People Matter / Perfectly Imperfect / Positive Vibes / Practice Kindness / Rock On / Rock Solid / Rock Star / Rolling Stone / Seek Awesome / Shine Bright / Shop Local / Sing Loud / Somebody Cares / Speak Kindly / Speak Up /  Spread Happiness / Spread Joy / Spread Kindness / Spread Love / Start Somewhere / Stay Calm / Stay Cool / Stay Curious / Stay Humble / Stay Curious / Stay Positive / Stay Strong / Stay Wild / Sweet Dreams / Sweet Life / Take Pride / Take Risks / Teach Love / Teach Kindness / Teach Peace / Teach Yourself / Thank You / Think Big / Think Bigger / Think Good / Think Positive / Treat Yourself / Trust Yourself / Uniquely Made / What if? / Why Not? / Wicked Strong / Work Hard / Yay You / You Belong / You Can / You Matter / You Rock / You’re Amazing / You’re Enough / You’re Loved / You’re Special / You’re Super

Rock Painting Words and Phrases
Rock Painting Words

Three Rock Painting Words 

Against All Odds / All Is Well / Be The Change / Always Be Honest / Always Be Yourself / Ask.  Believe. Receive / Be a Dreamer / Be Here Now / Be Not Afraid / Be The Change / Be The Light / Become A Dreamer / Believe In Magic / Believe In Miracles / Believe In Yourself / Believe You Can / By The Sea / Change is Good /  Change The World / Cherish Every Moment / Choose To Shine / Do Great Things / Do It Now / Do Something Fun / Do Your Best / Don’t Lose Hope / Don’t Stop Believing / Easy as Pie / Escape The Ordinary / Every Moment Matters / Face Your Fears / Family Is Forever / Find Common Ground / Find Your Fire / Focus, Focus, Focus / Follow Your Bliss / Follow Your Dreams / Follow Your Heart / Full Of Love / Get Back Up / Go For It /  Good Vibes Only / Got Your Back / Happy Earth Day / Happy Labor Day / Happy Memorial Day / Happy New Year / Happy Valentine’s Day / Heart of Stone / Heart of Stone / Hey There Beautiful / Ho! Ho! Ho! / In The Moment / It Gets Better / It is Possible /  I’ve Got You / Just Be Kind / Just Be Yourself / Just Keep Swimming  / Keep it Cool / Keep On Dreaming / Keep The Faith / Kindness Catches On / Kindness is Free / Knowledge Is Power / Learn From Yesterday / Leave The Dishes / Let It Be / Let It Go / Let Love In / Life Is Awesome / Life Is Beautiful / Life Won’t Wait / Lift Up Others / Live Love Laugh / Live The Moment / Live Your Dreams / Love Conquers All / Love Grows Here / Love Is Everything / Love Not Hate / Love One Another / Love With Abandon / Make A Wish /  Make It Count /  Make It Happen / Mind Over Matter / Nothing Is Impossible / Never Give Up / Never Look Back / Never Stop Dreaming / Nobody is Perfect / Normal Is Boring / Nurture Your Best / Oh Happy Day / On A Rock / Open Your Heart / Over The Moon / Passion. Strength. Fire. / Please Be Kind / Prove Them Wrong / Relay for Life / Remember to Live / Rock Your World / See the World / Seize the Day / Shine Like Stars / Small But Mighty / Smell The Roses / Speak the Truth / Spread Good Vibes / Spread Your Wings / Start Living Now / Sticks and Stones / Success Is Yours / Take a Chance / Thankful For You / Think Happy Thoughts / Tide Will Turn / Time Heals Everything / Trust in God /Trust In Yourself / Trust The Abundance / Trust Your Gut / Try Something New / When Pigs Fly / Why Not Try? / Worthy Of Love / Yes You Can / You Are Amazing / You Are Enough / You Are Great / You Are Loved / You Are Magic / You Are Magical / You Are Perfect / You Are Powerful / You Are Spectacular / You Are Sweet / You Got This / Your Life Matters / You’re Doing Great / You’re Not Alone / You’re The Best

Rock Painting Words - Have a Great Day Rock with Flower
Rock Painting Words – Have a Great Day Rock

Inspirational Stones with Four Words

Aim for the highest / All limitations are self-imposed / Be a good human / Be a little boulder / Be brave. Be strong. /Be gentle with yourself / Be grateful, not hateful / Be honest and kind / Be your own sunshine / Beginnings are always messy / Better Things Are Coming / Broken crayons still color / Build each other up / Calm is a super power / Cast the first stone / Cat got your tongue / Count blessings, not problems / Courage always doesn’t roar / Create your own sunshine / Dance lightly with life / Diamond in the rough / Do it. With love. / Do the right thing / Do what you love / Don’t forget to pray / Don’t just exist, live / Don’t just fly, soar / Don’t rock the boat / Don’t worry, be happy / Dreams can come true / Earth laughs in flowers / Enjoy the little things /Faith can move mountains / Focus on the good / Follow your own star / Go climb a rock / God doesn’t make junk / Good things will happen. / Great things take time / Happiness depends on ourselves / Happy 4th of July / Happy St. Patrick’s Day/ Happy St. Paddy’s Day / Have a good day / Have a great day / Hold on to hope / I hope you dance / If not now, when? / It never rains forever / It’s never too late / Just go for it / Keep on keepin’ on / Keep your chin up / Kick Up Your Heels / Kind Words Are Free / Kind words cost nothing / Kindness changes the world / Kiss the Blarney Stone / Know It.  Be It. / Learn from your mistakes / Let your ideas bloom / Let your light shine / Life is a gift / Life teaches, love reveals / Like a rolling stone / Live and let live / Live in the moment / Live in the now / Live Your Best Life / Look before you leap / Love has no color / Love is never wrong / Make your dreams happen / Make yourself a priority / Never doubt your instinct / Never stop looking up / No feeling is final / No rain, no flowers / Note to self: relax / Nothing endures but change / Nothing ventured, nothing gained / Now Is The Time / One life, one chance / Open Your Heart / Paddle your own canoe / Pain makes people change / Please don’t lose heart / Reach for the sky. / Reach for the stars. / Ride like the wind / Rock around the clockers / Smile more, worry less / Smile you are alive / Solid as a rock / Stay Humble and Kind / Stop and give thanks / Stop wishing start doing / Take the next step / Take time for you / Think happy. Be happy. / Think less.Feel more. / Think outside the box / This too, shall pass / Today I choose joy / Today is a gift / Today is my day / Today Is Your Day / Tomorrow is another day / True beauty begins inside / Ultimately, love is everything /Use your imagination. Ignore hesitation / We will rock you / Wear love wherever you go / Welcome To This Moment / What is normal anyway? / What’s done is done / Work hard. Dream big. / Work hard. Stay humble. / Worry less. Smile more. / You Are A Miracle / You are my sunshine / You are not alone / You are your choices / You can move mountains / You deserve good things / You matter to me / You only live once / Your Story Isn’t Over / Your time is now

Rock Painting Words - Hand Painted Rock with the Word Hope
Rock Painting Words – Hope

Stone Sayings with Five Words

A spark becomes a flame / Actions speak louder than words / Ain’t no mountain high enough / All I see is magic / All you need is love / Always remember who you are / Another sunrise, a new beginning / Be strong and very courageous / Big ideas have small beginnings / Bloom where you are planted / Chance favors the prepared mind / Choose the world you see / Die with memories, not dreams. / Don’t be afraid. Just believe. / Don’t sweat the small stuff / Each day is a gift. / Elvis has left the building / Every day is a second chance/ Failing is not always failure / FEAR. Face Everything And Rise. / Fear regret more than failure / Find joy in the journey / Find yourself, and be that / From sea to shining sea / Goals are dreams with deadlines / Happiness is a warm puppy / HOPE. Hold On. Pain Ends. / Hope is a waking dream / How about a hug Ladybug? / I can and I will / I choose to be happy / I’m so proud of you / Impossible is just an opinion / It just takes some time / It’s time to move on / Keep calm and rock on / Keep it under your hat / Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens / Learn to let go sometimes / Life is short, yet sweet / Life’s what you make it / Live life to the fullest / Live the life you love / Look on the bright side / Love is all you need /  Love with all your heart / Make each day your masterpiece / Make yourself necessary to someone / May you be happy always / Never forget about your passion / Never, never, never give up / Once in a blue moon / Realize how blessed you are / Say yes to new adventures / Success is the greatest revenge / The best things happen unexpectedly / The obstacle is the path / Throw kindness around like confetti / Today’s decisions are tomorrows reality / Turn your wounds into wisdom / Wake up and be inspired / We see what we want / What are you waiting for? / What we think we become / You always have a choice / You are amazing. Remember that. / You are your only limit / Your attitude determines your direction / You’re here for a reason

Six Rock Painting Words 

Aspire to inspire before we expire / Be a voice, not an echo / Be a warrior, not a worrier. / Be happy. Be bright. Be you. / Be the best version of you / Be the best version of yourself / Be the fountain, not the drain / Bethe love you never received / Be your own kind of beautiful / Become a priority in your life / Change the world by being yourself / Do what makes your soul happy / Don’t forget to be awesome / Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it. / Dream big and dare to fail / Every end is a new beginning / Every flower must grow through dirt / Every moment is a fresh beginning / Everything you can dream is real / Forget the mistake. Remember the lesson / Good things are beginning to happen / Happiness is only real when shared / Having hope will give you courage / He who angers you, controls you / I didn’t change. My priorities did. / Ideas are easy. Execution is hard. / I’ll have mine on the rocks / It’s the little things in life / Life is short, eat the cake / Life is short, eat the cupcake /Life is short. Make it fun. / Life is too short to wait / Life’s a journey, not a race / Lost time is never found again / Luck is believing you are lucky /Nothing great ever came that easy / Nothing will work until you do /Stop for a minute, and smile / Storms make trees take deeper roots / Take every chance. Drop every fear. / Temporary circumstances don’t equal permanent reality / The best revenge is massive success / The real betrayal is forgetting you / There is no wealth, but life / Think good. Be good. Do good. / This is your year to sparkle / To learn more, try tougher assignments / Tonight I dream, tomorrow I do / We become what we think about / When You Forgive, You Heal / You are more than just ordinary / You are someone’s reason to smile / You are stronger than you think / Your dreams can become a reality /Your mistakes do not define you / Your passions are paramount. Pursue them. / You’re on the road to happiness

Kindness Rock Ideas with Seven Words

All is possible to those who believe / An obstacle is often a stepping stone / An unused life is an early death / Be the energy you want to attract / Begin each day with a grateful heart /Beginning is the first step to success / Between a rock and a heart place / Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations / Do more of what makes you happy / Don’t go through life, grow through life. / Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle / Don’t wait for an opportunity. Create it. / Don’t wish for it, work for it. / Eighty percent of success is showing up / Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo. / Get busy living or get busy dying /
God answers when you least expect it / Hello, Is it Me You’re Looking For / Hope is the heartbeat of the soul / It always seems impossible until it’s done / It’s better to give than to receive / Life is too short to limit yourself / Look in the mirror. That’s your competition. / Love is the beauty of the soul / Love is the medicine the world needs / Love is the poetry of the senses / Once you choose hope, anything is possible / One day? Or day one? You decide. / The best way out is always through / The greatest pleasure of life is love / There’s a colorful world out there / Whatever you are, be a good one / You are the author of your story

Eight Rock Painting Words 

Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable / Do or do not. There is no try. / Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever would / Every man dies. Not every man really lives. / Everything has beauty, but not everybody sees it / Go forth and set the world on fire / Hope is the only thing stronger than fear / If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door / If nothing changed, there would be no butterflies. / In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity/ I love you to the moon and back / Life is the sum of all your choices / May all your good come back to you / May you live every day of your life / One act of kindness can change the world / People living deeply have no fear of death / Ride the energy of your own unique spirit / Small changes eventually add up to huge results / Speak the truth even if your voice shakes / There is always something to be grateful for / Tomorrow hopes we learned something from yesterday / Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud / We accept the love we think we deserve / We do not remember days, we remember moments / When life gets too hard to stand, kneel / Where there is love, there is life/ Wherever you go, go with all your heart / Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. / You are what you believe yourself to be / Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.

Whew!  You made it through this gigantic list.  Let me know if your favorite word or phrase isn’t listed and what it is in the comments below.

Here are some ideas on how to get started on rock painting:

1) Rocks

You want smooth flat rocks to create your masterpiece unless an unusual rock acts as the body of your art piece. Keep your artwork ideas in mind when selecting the perfect stones.

Make sure youโ€™re able to remove stones from where you find them. Removing stones from National and state parks isnโ€™t okay. Taking rocks from waterways can also be against the rules. Itโ€™s also illegal to take rocks from railroad tracks.

If you live in an area that itโ€™s hard to find rocks, head over to your nearest home improvement center, landscape supply store and garden centers to purchase some.

2) Wash

Paint wonโ€™t stick to dirty rocks.  A smooth surface is what weโ€™re aiming for, so washing your rocks in warm water and soap will ensure that.  You might want scrub it with an old toothbrush to make sure all debris is removed.  Allow rocks to dry before painting.

3) Sand

If there is any light bumps or grit on your rock, you can sand using 150 grit sandpaper.  

4) Primer

For best results, you’ll want to prime your rocks especially if the rock is pitted.  This gesso primer is perfect for smooth results.  You can find out more here.  

5) Paint

Use acrylic patio paint for best results if you will be hiding your rocks outside. Adding a white layer before painting the color you want makes it pop.  Let each layer of paint dry before applying the next layer.  You can find acrylic patio paints here.

Shift paint is paint that shifts color as you look at what you painted.  Shift paint can be found here.  

6) Paint Brushes

A selection of various sized paint brushes will help you create the perfect look you are going for.  This set has an amazing variety of sizes.  They say watercolor paint brushes, but work wonderfully with acrylic paint.  You can find them here.

7) Markers

Adding text with markers is easier than painting words.  Through trial and error, I have found that Posca Markers work best for rock painting.  Make sure you look at the tip size before purchasing to make sure you have the right size.  I use the Ultra thin tip for outlining and writing words.  You can find them here.  

You could also buy this amazing set on Amazon.  It’s the BUNDLE SET.

8) Fineline Applicator

This Fineline Applicator lets you control your artwork. You can find a set here.  

These Fineline Applicator tops easily screw on to your paint. You can find them here.

9) Dots 

Dotting tools make perfectly round dots.  You can find a set on Amazon for an AMAZING price.  

Here’s an inexpensive set of dotting tools and paint brushes combined.  You can find them here.  

10) Seal

This is one of the most important steps to rock painting.   All that hard work that you put into your stone would be wasted with any type of moisture.   You want a seal that wonโ€™t curdle if the stones are subject to the outdoor weather.  Krylon Colormaster Spray is what I use.  Two thin coats works best.

You could also use Krylon Low Odor Clear Finish.  You can find it here.

For a non-toxic sealer, you can use DecoArt Varnish.  You can find it here.  

11) Brush Cleaner

How many have us have been guilty of not cleaning our brushes right away and throwing out a rarely used brush because of it?  Soak your paint brushes in this and youโ€™ll never have to do that again.

12) Brush Stand 

It’s important to stay organized while you’re painting rocks.  This wonderful paint brush stand will have your brushes ready when you want to paint.  You can find it here.  

13) Display Stand

If you have a special rock that you want to display, you’ll need a display stand.  You can find the three prong tulip display stand here.  (The price is for 6 stands.)

14) Techniques 

Here are my favorite books on rock painting.  You can’t beat the price and you learn so many different styles.  The Art of Stone Painting is a treasure chest full of amazing art that teaches you to create them too.  You can find it here.

Mandala Stones will teach you how to master your dotting. You can find it here.

Art on the Rocks: 35 Rock Painting Projects and Tips.  You can find it here.  

We’ve reached the end of Most Popular Rock Painting Words & Phrases.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Make sure you pin the post below so you can refer back to it again and again.  

Inspirational words on rocks could be the one thing that brings comfort and uplift the lucky people that find them.  

Kindness rock sayings have a way of making the whole world a better place to live.  Thank you for taking part in this amazing movement.  

Don’t forget to check out Rock Painting Ideas & Resources Facebook group here. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Stone Painting for Kids: Book Review 

More Stone Painting Resources: 

wikiHow shows you how to paint a river rock.  You can find the article here.  

The Artist Network wrote an article about Spreading Art and Kindness with Rock Painting.  Go here for that article.  

The Today Show wrote about how Rock Painting Groups connect families and communities.  You can find that article here.  

Why Painted Rocks are the Next Big Thing wrote Red Tricycle.  You can read the article here.  

Rock Painting Words and Phrases



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  1. Thank you!!!! I will definitely use your tips. The 3 books you listed….I just received them in the mail.

  2. Thank you!!!! I will definitely use your tips. The 3 books you listedโ€ฆ.
    Thanks for making this! I’m just getting stared. This helps me a lot.

  3. Trust In God —- Relay For Life —– Finish The Fight ——You Can Defeat Cancer —– Hate Destroys —- Love One Another —–

  4. Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed so many helpful ideas and I’m ordering these books. We just found our first rock and we are hooked! I didn’t know how to get started and this is wonderful info, all I need and now just to get painting and practice! I can’t wait to share our creations!

  5. I would like to try rock painting. Iโ€™m not very creative so Iโ€™m trying to read and learn as much as I can. Thank you so much!

  6. Pingback: Essential Painting Terms To Know Before You Start To Paint – All Image New
  7. Love painting rocks .Have people interested in buying my rocks. How should I price them? Donating sells to church music budget.

  8. I use Modern Masters Clear Coat protectant on my acrylic painted rocks and they have lasted 3-5 years without the paint chipping or cracking in the hot Arizona sun. I also use my Cricut to cut my sayings in vinyl and put them on the rocks, then use Mod Podge to seal the vinyl and then use Modern Masters Clear Coat to protect the paint and the vinyl. Thanks for giving me other products to try out.